Can I slow down the process?

Yes ! Cover the lid with foil or plastic wrap and put it in the fridge. It will slow down the mycelium growth for 2-3 weeks. Once you take it out of the fridge it will speed back up.

When do I remove the lid?

Don’t remove the lid until the substrate in the container turns almost completely white. (That’s the mushroom mycelium and it’s converting the substrate into delicious mushrooms).

Once you see the sides and top are mostly covered in white mycelium you can remove the top. This introduces fresh air and encourages the mushrooms to form on the surface where the air is. If you see pins or “baby mushrooms” then it’s definitely time to remove the lid.

How often do I spray/mist?

Just enough to keep the surface and mushrooms hydrated. Usually 4-5x times a day or whenever you walk by and it looks a little dry. If water is pooling on the surface then pour it off. Little droplets are ok.

How many servings is a flush?

Each mushroom harvest is called a flush. Each flush serves 2-3 people. Look up a sweet recipe or just sear it up with a bit of oil, season to taste and add to any dish.

Does it need to be in the dark?

Mushrooms don’t need to be grown in the dark. They grow just fine in any condition but direct sunlight.